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Mavzu: Websites. Favorite websites. Blogging and bloggers. What are the most visited websites?

FAN: Nutq malakalari integratsiyasi

 Mashg‘ulot turi: amaliy mashg’uloti.

Fakultet: Xorijiy tillar

Bosqich: 2

Guruh:  742-23

Guruh: 1 ta

Manzil:  4-qavat, 426

Kun: 26- noyabr , 2024-yil

Vaqti: 13:30

Amaliy  mashgʻulotni oʻtuvchi: Xamidova Sevara

O‘quv dasturi:


 What is website?
  1. History of the World Wide Web
  2. Speak about your favorite websites
  3. Tell us about the most visited websites