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“Three generations” meeting was held at JSPU.

Former graduates, veteran teachers and young people met at the “Three Generations Meeting”, which is becoming an exemplary school.

Every field will have mature specialists and devotees. Their years of work and accumulated experience are both an example and a model school for their young colleagues. There are many veterans and teachers who have been working at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University for many years. Today, the “Three Generations” meeting organized under the slogan “JSPU is 50 years old” was attended by the first graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Technology Education of this institute who graduated in 1979, honorary teachers and young students.


The meeting of “Uch Avlod”, which has become an educational school for today, began with the opening ceremony of the new educational building, which was originally built and handed over to the Faculty of Technological Education of Physics. Rector of the university Sh. Sharipov opened the solemn ceremony. At the event, the veterans spoke about life lessons from their experiences, such as the sense of patriotism in their hearts that gave them strength and courage in any difficult situation, and the duty of filial piety to our people to always be devoted to their duties and It was not difficult to understand from the faces of the participants that he encouraged them to approach the event with responsibility, especially among the young people.

The experience of enlightened teachers is a great school of lessons for young people. Remembering the past days during the conversation, expressing gratitude for today’s changes – serves to set great goals for the future. It is the duty of young people not to be spectators of creative work, but to be active, to live with involvement in the development of our country. Upbeat mood, communication with luminaries gives young people a lot. After the ceremony, the guests got to know the new classrooms, training workshops, kitchen and 5 newly established initiative centers for young students. .

At the end of the event, the enlightened fathers and mothers were invited to a cup of tea and a concert program was performed by talented students.