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Volunteers are promoters of good deeds…

In order to ensure the implementation of the Law “On Volunteering” of the Cabinet of Ministers, a number of events were organized in the residential area of “Umar” mahalla of Sh.Rashidov district.According to the law, volunteer activity is a voluntary activity that is useful for the public and is carried out for the benefit of individuals and (or) legal entities on a free basis. Providing assistance to support the poor, unemployed, those with many children, and other such persons is one of the areas of volunteering. The volunteers of the university, aiming at these noble goals, first received information about the situation of single and low-income households in “Umar” MFY, Sh.Rashidov district. The yard of the landlords was put in order, firewood was chopped for the winter, trees were planted. On this day, volunteer students visited the homes of people with disabilities and distributed Santa’s gifts to them. In the second half of the day, the “New Year” event was organized at the preschool educational organization “President’s Generations”. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and fairy-tale heroes gave the children unforgettable pleasure. 60 children were given Santa Claus and Snowman gifts. As a result of this initiative, which was supported by the rector of the university, motivational trainings were organized for high school students in secondary schools located in the territory of “Umar” makhalla. During the day, the bus allocated by the university was at the service of volunteer students. 28 volunteer students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology became the organizers of the event. For information: The Law “On Volunteering” is an initiative of the head of our state. The task of its development and adoption is defined in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to fundamentally increase the role of civil society institutions in the process of democratic renewal of the country” signed on May 4, 2018.