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The opening ceremony of Zulfiyahonim and Hamid Olimjon’s museum took place on the occasion of the 103 nd anniversary of Zulfiyaxonim

   This event started in a very intense mood and continued to be in a lively mood. The gifted artists of the Jizzakh Regional Fine Arts School started with their unique and skillful paintings. The paintings depict Zulfiyahonim and Hamid Alimjan’s beautiful poems as well as spring. After the exhibition,the representative  of deputy Mayor of Jizzakh region sincerely congratulated with the biggest  luck of the spring season, the renewal of the spring season and the upcoming International Women’s Day Eighth March, he mentioned that Zulfiyahon’s life, his creative life, the spiritual heritage of our people, his great work. The event was dedicated to the birthday of Zulfiyahonim, while the poetesses of our university read poetry from their writings to the audience and made the audience more satisfied. After such remarkable poems, the jury members of the Jizzakh Regional Fine Arts School briefly dwelled on the life of Zulfiyaxon and enjoyed the audience’s poems. Upon completion of the event, all participants visited  the Zulfiyahonim and Hamid Olimjon Museum.