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Writers visited schools affiliated to JSPU.

As part of the program of the “Ma’rifat ulashib” project, in collaboration with higher educational institutions, secondary schools and mahallas, intelligent poets and writers are invited to the educational institution, and round table discussions with pupils and students are being organized.

One of these meetings took place today in the 23rd and 30th secondary schools at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. At the beginning of the creative event “Ma’rifat ulashib”, the guests of the meeting, the poet and translator Asror Mumin, a member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan, and the poet Shodi Atamurod, read samples of their works to the students. Also during the meeting, the guests shared interesting information about today’s creative environment, reading books, the lives of creators, today’s writers, and also read their poems about life, studenthood and love to the audience, and read the works of the poet Rasul Khamzatov translated into Uzbek.

During the conversation, the guests got acquainted with the works of students interested in literature and poetry. At the end of the literary meeting, the staff of the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University awarded the winners of the essay competition on the topic “Enlightenment versus Ignorance” among students of the 30th school and wished them creative excellence. Our talented poets Asror Mumin and Shadi Atamurod shared their collections of poems with autographs. Today, books, spirituality and enlightenment were included in secondary schools at 23-30 within the framework of the “Ma’rifat ulashib” project. A new light has entered, a new enlightenment. The writers who came to the meeting contributed to the education and upbringing of the future of our country. And there is no doubt that tomorrow this will yield results and will serve to restore the lost heights of the education system.