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Nazarova Feruza The teacher of English language teaching methods in Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Annotation: In this article, English grammar is based on different methods improvement in the educational process is highlighted. It has a general secondary education school teaching English grammar to high school students is discussed, and some recommendations for the development of education are given. Key words: Grammatical subject, tense, interactive method, grammatical rules, practice. INTRODUCTION Continuous education in Uzbekistan provides the young generation with high professional culture, creative and skills of independent adaptation to social life and determination of future plans and aimed at forming decision-making skills. These tasks it is important to be in the demand of the current period. That’s whyforeign languages are good for social, economic and scientific development of the society. A foreign language, especially English, plays a very important role in educating the young generation. English language in the state educational standard and curriculum of general secondary education the goals of education arise from the interests and demands of society, the state, should be in accordance with it. The developmental goal of foreign language teaching includes the following: a) the components of speech ability are listening, perception, noticing, language distinguish between phenomena, logical expression of thought, etc.; b) with speech activity associated mental processes: thinking, memory, attention, imagination, analysis and synthesis,generalization; c) ability to communicate: emotion, eloquence, enterprising, polite, show initiative during conversation, appropriate use of gestures, etc.; d) foreign language and the country where the language is being studied, its people, culture, customs, etc Internal and external motivation, interest and enthusiasm for learning; e) education during independent work and independent students after completing education preparation for education[1]. Based on the requirements of modern methodology, grammatical phenomena we chose an integrative approach to teaching. Some grammatical phenomena are their own similarity with the grammatical phenomena of the native language in terms of meaning or methods of formation because of this, they do not pose a great difficulty for mastering. A linguist about it T. Sattarov’s researches provide detailed information on grammatical phenomena the idea of the approach is put forward. Wide use of information technologies in foreign language education is recommended will be done. Therefore, in the process of teaching students grammatical phenomena, the following we found it necessary to use information technologies: computer technology (internet network), interactive methods, open discussion (dispute), excursion, auction, press conference, competition, round table, dreams, types of poetry, foreign language teaching project method and others. When using interactive methods, the student himself thinks freely independently, as a partner with the teacher works. Grammatical skills of students in English classes Internet technology is improving the way to get information and communicate one of the modern forms. Students use the Internet to read lectures and write abstracts. Multimedia makes it possible to present the educational material in audio form, i.e acts as a virtual teacher. The student listens to pure English pronunciation, own tries to adapt his speech to it. Secondary schools for high school students to gain vocabulary The role of electronic dictionaries is incomparable. In the electronic dictionary, words are represented graphically rather than directly pronounced as a set of sounds. Such dictionaries it is easy to remember words when working with and they are in long-term memory is stored. A test is taken to check and strengthen students’ knowledge. Test in the process, students have the opportunity to work independently and self-assess will be. It is known that knowledge acquired independently is stored in the memory for a long time and can be recalled easy to get. Strategy and games based on modern technology keep students from getting bored and make them think independently. ensures their functioning [2].Also, English grammar for students in secondary schools A cluster approach or method also effectively helps in teaching. This is the method It is not only effective, but also a very convenient way of imparting knowledge to students is considered For example: The following conclusions are based on our special observations and experience we have come: the use of games and assignments is a practical, educational, an effective tool in the implementation of general educational and developmental goals serves as; for students to express (speak) their thoughts in a foreign language allows to eliminate relatively negative psychological experiences, teaches students to think independently, acquire speech skills learns, motivates to achieve the goal, to win, communicative language allows learning based on the methodology, involves all students in the lesson to do, to increase their interest, to increase the efficiency of the lesson contributes knowledge, skills and competence acquire a unique attitude in learning a foreign language and this reflects the nature of the educational subject. Expression of thought in speech or in order to understand the expressed idea, it is necessary to be able to use language material. To achieve this, there is a strong relationship between the means of language and the content of speech flexible communication, according to S. Setlin, association will have to be established. Language skills are formed as part of speaking skills. Grammatical skills generation is a thre-stage methodical process: 1) the distribution stage is new explanation of a grammatical unit (presentation in a speech sample), explanation and consists of performing basic grammatical operations. 2) grammar exercises perform This stage focuses mainly on skill building. 3) grammatical event stage of use in types of speech activities [3]. It is clear from what has been said that grammar is not for instilling knowledge, but for developing skills serves. English grammar skills in high school students the only one that can be seen from the research of the scientific-methodical description of the formation the goal is to introduce a model for teaching English grammar. Theoretical model improving students’ English grammar constitutes technology. The exercises used in foreign language teaching are classified: types of speech activities (speaking/listening/understanding/reading/writing) exercises; language material (vocabulary/grammar/pronunciation) exercises; receptive/reproductive exercises; presentation/training/application exercises; get to know/practice/apply/correct (correction) exercises should be conducted. Formative (educator/ acquisition of information/generalization); developing (skill generation training of operative/operational/ready-made material) exercise; improver (skill acquisition of productive/motivational/grammatical action) is conducted as an exercise would be appropriate.