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p.f.b.f.d. (PhD), Assoc. etc. Tugalov Farkhod Karshiboevich ( master student Kadirova Iroda Sharofiddin’s daughter Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Undergraduate Physics and Astronomy state education standards outline different skills and competencies. But it is a complicated process to observe similarity, connection and consistency in their formation. Therefore, it is appropriate to analyze the important educational skills of physics, to divide them into types, to determine their essence and mutual relations. In order to make the process of formation of educational skills in physics effective, they are divided into three groups: problem-solving, experimental, and constructive. Physics is a science based on experiments. His laws are based on empirically established facts. The facts are gathered as a result of planned observations. Sometimes accidental discoveries (observation of radioactive decay of uranium by A. Becquerel) are also observed. The experimental nature of physics determines the entire structure of this science. While case studies begin with observations, they should not be limited to this. According to L. E. Mendelstam, he separates the common aspects of individual information that is returnable and of practical importance in human memory and defines it for himself. This leads to knowledge of concepts, which is the first step towards knowledge of nature. The next step is to move to concepts that allow quantitative characteristics in the form of numbers. Relying on experiments to explain concrete phenomena. Theoretically, we cannot fully say whether a given simplified model can explain concrete phenomena or not. In order to theoretically assess the effect of various factors on the phenomenon, it is necessary to first consider their size, then determine the position of each of them and compare them with each other. This is impossible due to the complexity and variety of events that make up the real process. The correctness of this or that model of phenomena can only be confirmed by experience. Another case is very important in understanding the essence of the physical method of research. The choice of one or another simplified model is determined not only by the properties of the object being studied, but also by the nature of the processes expected to be studied. According to the nature of educational programs designed for in-depth study of physics, it can be said that teaching students to independently master educational materials, involving them in research activities based on physical experiments, is one of the important directions of physics education. One of the most appropriate ways to develop personal intellectual and creative abilities of students is to direct students to study and research work, that is, to engage in research activities. Literature
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