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“U-Report” is an innovative communication platform for attracting young people, giving young people the opportunity to express their opinions on issues related to their lives, to participate more actively in the ongoing processes and reforms, and for the government to study the social mood of the youth environment and take this into account when making decisions about young people. The “Yuksalish” national movement together with the representative office of UNICEF in Uzbekistan launched the next presentation campaign of “U-Report” platform in Jizzakh region. Presentations are scheduled for November 22-27. The most courageous and active U-Reporters from 8 regions arrived to explain the content and essence of “U-Report” to young people. The first presentations were held at the Youth Agency of Jizzakh region. Representatives of the youth union, youth agency, young people of the youth parliament and volunteers took part here. It is also planned to make presentations for students of 3 universities during the day. In particular, about a thousand students took an active part in the meetings organized at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical university today. Instead of information, it is planned to demonstrate 28 presentations in common areas every day. It is planned to present the “U-Report” platform to students of higher educational institutions and vocational schools, technical schools and schools in all districts of Jizzakh. Let’s remind: “Yuksalish” national movement in cooperation with UNICEF held presentations of the U-Report project for young people of Syrdarya, Andijan, Bukhara and Namangan regions, and about 40 thousand young people were included in these presentations. Currently, more than 210,000 young men and women are members of the platform, where they actively give their opinions to the discussions given by the government, state and non-governmental agencies, international organizations on one or another actual topic. The opinion of every young man and woman is important for “U-Reporter”! Shakhzoda JALOLIDDINOVA, correspondent of “Ziya Chashmasi”.