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Reception parameters

Dear second higher education students!

The entrance exam to the second higher education is conducted offline and in oral form. The entrance exam will be held on __, 2024 in the main building of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University.
The entrance exam is conducted in the subject “General pedagogy” aimed at clarifying the ability and knowledge of the applicants in the field of pedagogy.
In the exam, tickets consisting of 5 questions will be formed, each question will be evaluated in a system of 20 points, in total 100 points. Applicants who scored more than 55 points will be directly admitted to the second higher education.
Those admitted to the second higher education continue their studies in the direction of their choice, starting from the 2nd year.
The amount of the fee-contract for the second higher education was determined to be the same amount as the amount of the fee-contract established for the current second higher education, based on the amount of expenses related to the education of one student.

The main directions of questions from the subject of “General pedagogy” for those entering secondary higher education

Basic categories and concepts of pedagogy. Requirements for the teacher. Concept of personality. Personality development. Factors of personality development. The personality of the child as an object and subject of education. Personal activity. Understanding of pedagogical systems and their forms. The essence of the whole pedagogical process. Goals and tasks of didactics. The essence of the educational process. Description of teaching and learning processes, their interdependence in the educational process. Cognitive activity of students. Educational methods in modern didactics. Ways to improve the effectiveness of educational methods. The traditional class-lesson form of educational organization. Lesson types and structure. Non-traditional forms of educational organization: educational dialogue, discussion, didactic games, training, etc. Control and accounting functions in the educational process. Principles of checking and evaluating the results of education. Evaluation criteria of knowledge, skills and qualifications.
Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education. Opinions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev about education. Four pillars of the Third Renaissance. The essence of continuous education. Pre-school education. General education schools. Higher education. Post-secondary education. Pedagogical authority is an effective mechanism in managing the educational system and interpersonal relations in this process. Requirements for a teacher. Humanization of education. The essence of democratization of education. The importance of continuing education. The main problems of pedagogy today. Integration in the pedagogical process. Unique features and unity of education and upbringing. The essence of the pedagogical process. Principles of education. Educational methods, technologies. Types and stages of education. Peculiarities of education in the team, family and self-education. Educational and regulatory documents. Peculiarities of the teacher’s profession. Communicative ability of the teacher, his tools.
The essence and importance of the educational process. Team concept. The essence of the formation of a children’s team. The main conditions for the development of the children’s team. The essence of educational methods. Pedagogical stimulation methods and behavior correction. Methods of control, self-assessment and self-control in education. Independent thinking is a component of the educational process. Mental education. Purpose and content of mental education. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is the basis of mental education. Use of state symbols (anthem, coat of arms, flag) in the process of civic education for students. Education of patriotism and internationalism. Legal education. Formation of legal culture and consciousness of the young generation is a component of civic education. Goals and tasks of labor education. The essence and content of moral education. Moral preparation for family life. Goals and tasks of aesthetic education. Nature and content of ecological education. Goals and objectives of physical education.
Understanding Conflicts. Conditions for the emergence of conflicts in the process of interpersonal education. Knowledge of effective communication as a conflict prevention factor. The concept of leadership and leadership, the differences between them. Causes of conflicts in the educational process. Methods of conflict resolution in the educational process. Ways to prevent conflicts in the educational process. Content of internal culture.
The culture of communication requires that a person should always show an equal attitude towards another person. To inform about the fact that the culture of communication requires a person to work regularly on his own and that the culture of communication does not arise by itself. General cultural level of the teacher. Teaching ability. Understanding of teaching skills. The essence of pedagogical skills. The main directions of the teacher’s activity. Pedagogical knowledge. Pedagogical intelligence. Pedagogical ability. Pedagogical technique. Psychological-pedagogical description of ability. The teacher’s will, patience, striving for the goal, his firm belief in the correctness of his actions, his ability to control himself and influence others, his feelings such qualities as being able to control feelings and moods, being able to take responsibility, and being able to organize a creative situation. Influence through communication. Entering into communication. The concept of establishing contact (communication), its essence, methods of pedagogical influence. Methods of communication used by the teacher in the process of communication. Communication skills of the teacher: “The art of reading faces”, the ability to understand the situation of others, the ability to express oneself, the means of speech and the ability to understand the human psyche without words. Methods of pedagogical influence used by the teacher in the process of communication with the student: persuasion and approval. Verbal forms of persuasion: words of warning, prompting, commands to perform, forbidden phrases, insinuation, approval or accusation. Culture of organization of pedagogical communication. Stages and methods of organizing pedagogical communication. Methods of managing the process of pedagogical communication in the educational process. Managing the initiative in the communication process. Communication between the teacher and students during the lesson and extracurricular process, requirements for it. The influence of the teacher’s communication and its importance in attracting their attention and creating a creative mood in the group of students, the use of methods of persuasion and influence by the teacher in the process of communication with the student. Communication process management styles. The reputation of the teacher. Authoritarian style of communication. Characteristics of the manifestation of the liberal style in the activity of the teacher. Democratic communication of the teacher is a form of relying on the opinions of students and approving these opinions.