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Networking. What is a Networking?. Professional Networking

Fan: Ingliz tili
Fakultet: Matematika va Informatika
Bosqich: 3
Guruh: 119-20
Manzil: Matematika va Informatika fakulteti binosi , 3-qavat, 314-xona
Kun: 23-dekabr. 2022 yil
Vaqti: 08-30
Amaliy mashg’ulot:Jumanazarov Xayrulla
O’quv dasturi:

To introduce with the theme of the lesson.

To give information about Networking. Professional Networking.

Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking activities.

To teach to work with the vocabulary of each text.

To give definition to the terms.

To get information from the texts.

To compare English and Uzbek Networking terms.