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“A day at school”: Jizzakh State Pedagogical University cooperates with a school

A unique event “A Day at School” was held within the framework of strengthening cooperation between Jizzakh State Pedagogical University (JSPU) and the 30th general education school in Jizzakh. Faculty tutor Alisher Hasanov and students of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature participated in this initiative, which is implemented based on the decision of the governor of Jizzakh region and the order of the rector of JSPU.

In the first stage of the event, the regulatory documents of the school were thoroughly studied. The tutor and students analyzed the curriculum, met with teachers, discussed the details of the curriculum, studied the school’s rules and regulations. Issues of applying standards to the educational process were also considered.

In the second stage of the event, a visit to the school chess club was organized. The participants of the event met with the head of the club and discussed the activities and achievements of the club, as well as analyzed the participation of schoolchildren in chess tournaments. The interview with the students made it possible to determine the interest in chess and the needs for the development of the club.

In the third stage, the participants of the event visited the IT academy, met with the director and discussed the goals, tasks and current projects of the academy. A detailed introduction to the educational programs and projects of the students was held. During the discussion of cooperation prospects, knowledge sharing, training practices and possible projects were considered. Students were given information about internships and internship opportunities within the IT Academy.

In conclusion, as a result of the event, the participants gained a deep understanding of the school’s working order, and also determined the potential directions of cooperation with the chess club and the IT academy. “A day at school” was an important step in strengthening the cooperation between the university and the school.

In the end, faculty tutor Alisher Hasanov expressed confidence that the acquired knowledge and experience will be used in the future cooperation and development of proposals for improving educational processes.

Thus, “A Day at School” became not only an act of mutual understanding between the university and the school, but also an excellent opportunity for students to gain unique experience in the field of education and to interact with educational institutions.