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An International Scientific-Practical Conference on “Innovations and Teaching Practices in English Language Learning” was organized.

The International scientific-practical Conference has been organized by the Department of Practical Course of English Language at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after Kadiriy, the Press Service of JDPI.

 International scientifically – practical Conference is held by the Rector of the Institute A. Kholbekov noted that, first of all, the role and place of foreign languages, year by year foreign language demand and the growing importance of foreign languages ​​in the preparation of advanced specialists, as well as the requirements of the faculty of the Department, which is a good indicator. Particularly, the activities of Ms. Vivianna Marcel, English Language Fellow from the United States, are worth mentioning. This is an International Conference, I am confident that in studying Foreign Languages ​​we will raise our students a new look, new thinking and attitudes to a higher level. “- Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Sociology, Professor A. Xolbekov.

Kirsten Michener, Linda Chu, Representatives of US Embassy in Tashkent, spoke at the event, emphasizing the ongoing reforms and achievements in education in Uzbekistan and praising the work of the Conference.

“The Role of Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in increasing the professional skills of every teacher, including school, college and lyceum teachers, is crucial. Each foreign language teacher should be able to use new innovative technologies in the course, to work on a regular basis, to increase his / her professional skills and, indeed, organize a 21st century learning process. This is the essence of the Сonference. Moreover, Anora Jabborova, one of the organizers of the conference, is the teacher of the Department of English Practical Course, who believes that this Conference can be regarded as the implementation of the Presidential Decree “On measures to further improvement of the foreign Language Learning System” adopted on 10 December 2012.

I am Bakhodirov Rakhim, a student of this Faculty. I participated in all the presentations of this Conference and got all the information I needed for myself. The main purpose of the Presentation was to improve the level of foreign language learning, and I gained a great deal of academic knowledge about the learning process.

Kirsten Michener, the US Embassy Representative for the International Conference, interviewed by republican and local TV and radio channels, said: “This Conference was organized at a high level. We will further expand cooperation between the US Embassy and the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. I express my gratitude to the leadership of the Institute and all the organizers. The role and place of such conferences in the professional and scientific capacity building of foreign language teachers is great and we will support you all the time. “

The international scientific and practical conference has continued its work in the following areas: presentation on the role of innovative pedagogical technologies in studying foreign languages, psychological aspects of studying foreign languages, problems of language learning in the era of globalization and the importance of intercultural dialogue in teaching foreign languages.

At the end of the event, the US Embassy donated books and Certificates to the participants.