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A spiritual and educational event was held in Bakhmal on the theme “Human value is great in an active neighborhood”

The spiritual and educational event held at the “Forest” and “Temir Kadam” MFIs of Bakhmal district was organized in cooperation with the history and Uzbek language and literature faculties of the institute. “There is a lot to be said for cooperation between the neighborhood and higher education institutions. If we focus on the issue of youth, these cooperation relations serve primarily to awaken a sense of courage in the minds of our youth, to the changes taking place in our country, and to direct their dreams in the right direction. The most important thing is that they have a desire to learn. This is the real intention and purpose of the team of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute…” says A. Pardaev, dean of the Faculty of History. Initially, the organizers of the event started their work by studying the activities of educational institutions in the districts, organizing interviews with teaching staff, and studying existing problems. Then the “Zakovat” intellectual competition was organized with the participation of students of 20 schools in the region and teams of unorganized youth. At the end of the heated competition, the “Zukkolar” team of the 10-B class of the 20th school became the winner. The winners were given a collection of books and certificates of honor. Within the framework of the “Theatre Education School” project, a stage performance based on A. Oripov’s drama “Sahibqiron” was performed by the students of the Theater Studio of the Faculty of History. The event also focused on sports competitions. Pupils competed among themselves in table tennis competitions. At the end of the spiritual and educational event, which made a great impression on the students, the professors and teachers planted various fruit and ornamental plants on the territory of the educational institution.