- The department of technical means of teaching
- Students who are awarded the state scholarship the named state scholarships in the 2021-2022 academic year
- Information resource center
- Biology undergraduate course of study
- Chief Auditor
- Chief Engineer
- Cholg‘u ijrochiligi ( turlari bo‘yicha) umumiy tavsifi
- Electronic reception
- Interfaculty general education departments
- Complex of sciences
- Activity
- Civil and labor protection
- Scientific electronic journals
- Scientific articles
- Scientific research, innovation and scientific-pedagogical
- Professors and teachers who are active in creating scientific and innovative developments
- the trade union committee of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
- Master’s degree department
- Bachelor’s degree in mathematics and informatics
- Normative documents
- (O`zbek) O’zbekiston Respublikasi davlat bayrog’i
- (O`zbek) O’zbekiston Respublikasi davlat gerbi
- OAK bilan bog’liq me’yoriy hujjatlar
- Scholars Club
- Psychologist
- Admission 2024
- Guide for Applicants
- Notes to the applicant
- Applications from candidates for training in second and subsequent higher education
- Privileges
- Professional and creative exam results
- Regulatory documents
- Transfer of education
- Composition of the admissions committee
- Visiting hours
- Amission regulations
- Reception parameters
- Acceptance rating
- Block of test subjects
- College graduates
- Collection of documents
- Museum in Memory of Victims of Repression
- Retake
- Sitemap
- Sports complex
- (O`zbek) Tajriba sinov ishlari
- Evaluation system
- University
- Faculties
- Department of Chemistry teaching methodology
- Department of Biology teaching methodology
- Department of theory and practice of primary education
- Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of philosophy, education and legal education
- Department of Geography and economic knowledge
- Department of Computer science teaching methodology
- Department of English language teaching methodology
- Faculty of physical culture
- General description of the undergraduate course in chemistry
- Department of School Management
- Faculty of preschool education
- Кафедра иностранных языков в дошкольном и начальном образовании
- Department of mathematics teaching methodology
- Matematika va informatika fakulteti
- Department of teaching methodology of Uzbek language
- Department of Uzbek language and its literature
- Department of History of Uzbekistan
- Faculty of pedagogy and psychology
- Department of distance learning in pedagogy-psychology and music
- Faculty of Russian language and literature
- Faculty of Natural sciences
- Faculty of History
- Department of fine arts and engineering graphics
- Faculty of medicine
- Department of general professional sciences
- Faculty of Foreign languages
- Maxsus pedagogika (logopediya) yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Pediatriya ishi bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Professional ta’lim: yengil sanoat buyumlari konstruksiyasini ishlash va texnologiyasi (tikuv buyumlari texnologiyasi) yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Sport faoliyati (kurash) bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Sport faoliyati (voleybol)bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Interfaculty general education departments
- Department of Joint Educational Programs
- Structure
- 2-bo’lim
- Accounting
- Devonkhana department
- Rental house addresses
- Department of commercialization of scientific innovations
- Vice Rector for Research and Innovation
- Department of organizing research activities of gifted students
- Public council
- Inside superintendence and monitoring section
- Information service of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
- Vice Rector for Finance and Economics
- University council
- Educational and methodological support department
- Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
- Center for Digital Learning Technologies
- Office of the Registrar
- Rectorate
- Department of quality control of Education
- Editorial and publishing department
- Student Residence
- Student housing coordination department
- Technical schools
- Rector of the University
- Department of working with international ratings and indexes
- Human resources
- Women’s Council
- First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Affairs
- Law service department
- Axborot resurs markazi
- General information
- About the university
- Charter of the University
- Boshlang’ich ta’lim yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Faculties
- Department of International Relations
- Department of international cooperation
- Foreign students
- Graduation qualification defense
- Youth department
- Department of Zoology and Anatomy
- Barcha konferensiyalar ro’yxati
- Call-center
- Davolash ishi bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Dizayn ta’lim yo’nalishi
- Fizika va astronomiya yo’nalishi
- JDPU pedagogik mobil ilovasi
- Jismoniy madaniyat yo’nalishi
- Kredit-Modul tizimi
- Maktabgacha va boshlang’ich ta’limda jismoniy tarbiya va sport
- Maktabgcha ta’lim yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Maktabgcha ta’lim yo‘nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Maxsus pedagogika (Surdopedagogika) ta’lim yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Milliy g’oya, ma’naviyat asoslari va huquq ta’lim yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Musiqa ta’limi bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishi
- O’zbek tili va adabiyoti bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishi
- O’zga tilli guruhlarda rus tilli yo’nalishi
- Ona tili va adabiyoti (tillar bo’yicha)
- Ona tili va adabiyoti (tillar bo’yicha)
- Pedagogika va psixologiya ta’lim yo’nalishi
- Rangtasvir yo’nalishi
- Reja-moliya bo‘limi
- Talabalar uchun BMI va MD mavzulari
- Tarix yo’nalishining umumiy tavsifi
- Tasviriy san’at va muhandislik grafikasi bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishi
- Texnologik ta’lim
- Universitetda faoliyat olib borayotga tyutorlar haqida ma’lumot
- Vokal san’ati (turlari bo’yicha) bakalavriat ta’lim yo’nalishi
- Xorijiy til va adabiyoti ingliz tili
- (O`zbek) Matematika va informatika fakulteti bahorgi semestr yakuniy nazorat jadvali (2023-2024)