Student housing coordination department

Head of the Student housing coordination department:
Saidakhmatov Sahibjon Saidazmat son
Telephone: +(99897) 482 84 84
Reception time: 8.30 – 17.00
Email address:

Raximova Mamlakat Turobovna
Chief specialist Telephone: Reception time: 8.30 – 17.00Resolution No. 563 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 2021 “On measures to increase the level of accommodation for students in higher education institutions of the Republic” was adopted. Paragraph 7 of this decision was tasked with “establishing a department for coordinating the work of providing housing for students, consisting of up to four state units, maintained at the expense of extra-budgetary funds, in the structure of state higher education institutions.” In order to ensure the implementation of Clause 7 of the decision, a coordination department for providing students with accommodation was established at the institute from October 1, 2021. Currently, 1 head of department and 3 chief specialists are working in this department.
The main task of the established department is to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 605 “On measures to introduce the system of reimbursement of rent payments paid by students living on the basis of the right to rent”. In this case, the students who study at our institute and live on a rental basis will draw up documents and provide instructions for the payment of 50 percent of the monthly rent (not more than half of the basic amount) from the state budget funds.

Until now, in order to ensure the implementation of this decision, 224 people from September to December, 657 from January to May, and a total of 881 children of families who have lost their breadwinners, with disabilities of groups I and II, who live and study in our university on the basis of rent, Temir, Women, children of the family listed in the Youth register, family members registered in the “Labor – migration” program and children of the family temporarily engaged in work abroad, in need of social protection, underprivileged, two in one family and more than that, rent contract money was paid for the children of the family who are studying under the contract and students who are active in various sports competitions, contests, projects and spiritual-educational events organized in the higher education institution.