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How are admission processes in higher education?

The working group headed by Jamoliddin Bobokhanov, head of the Innovation Development Agency under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, visited Jizzakh region and got acquainted with the processes of admission to higher education institutions. The members of the working group first examined the conditions created at the university, the Call-center providing advice and information to applicants, and the activities of the Admissions Committee consultation center established for parents and applicants. During the process, Jamoliddin Bobokhanov talked with the operators of the center and gave advice and instructions on how to quickly and thoroughly answer the questions of every client who calls for advice. After that, he inspected the rooms and auditoriums where the creative exams were held on the territory of the university. He gave his recommendations on the things to be done in terms of convenience for the entrants. You are on the threshold of a new life… The open dialogue held in the University Palace of Culture began with these words of Jamoliddin Bobokhanov, the head of the department of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. During the open dialogue, where more than 400 graduates of “Sayiljoyi” academic lyceum under JDPU were invited, the head of the department of the ministry wished good luck to the young people who are boldly walking towards clear and noble goals of the future students. The meeting, organized in the manner of sincere and open dialogue, was connected to the awarding ceremony. Diplomas were solemnly handed over to students graduating from Sayiljoi academic lyceum with honors.