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The national project “Green Space” is now being launched as an initiative at the level of the Organization of Turkic States

The nationwide project “Green Space” implemented in our country under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev is now being launched as an initiative at the level of the Organization of Turkic States.   Today, on November 11, within the framework of the Samarkand Summit of the Organization of Turkic States, a tree-planting event was held in Registan square with the participation of the heads of state of the member and observer countries of the organization.     A sapling planting event was organized simultaneously in all regions and cities of our republic. Professors and teachers of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University and students took an active part in this project. Every sapling planted around the “Sugdiyona” sports complex in the city of Jizzakh is a step taken to preserve the purity of nature. It should be noted that the noble project initiated by the head of state took place simultaneously in the capitals of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Hungary and Turkmenistan.