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About “tutors” who have high responsibility

As the concept of “tutor” enters our daily educational lexicon, what does it mean? The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to increase the level of accommodation for students in higher education institutions of the Republic” was adopted. With this decision, a number of long-awaited systemic innovations and changes were introduced. Among them, from September 1, 2021, the institution of “group coach” for working with students was canceled, and the practice of “tutors” working with students was introduced instead. As the concept of “tutor” enters our daily educational lexicon, what does it mean? First of all, “tutor” is used in the literal sense of teacher, trainer, instructor – guide. First of all, a tutor is a specialist in a certain field, and his main task is to provide a student with certain knowledge and skills. In a broader sense, a tutor teaches a student to develop his potential, better self-awareness, study and make the right decisions and choices during the educational process. He helps the student to understand the consequences of each step and actions, to find his interests in life. For this, the tutor deeply analyzes the interests and inclinations, problems and difficulties of his tutors. He carefully studies the intellectual and psychological environment around the student. In short, a tutor is a connecting force between the student and the educational process. With his help, reading should become an interesting and effective process. The tutoring method was introduced in ancient Greece as an aid to the main educational process. Currently, in many countries of the world, special training and diplomas are given for tutoring. For example, in Russia, universities specializing in the field of pedagogy have special tutoring courses for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Tutoring centers and associations operate. This ancient method is used in the modern world in various forms (formal and informal, in the classroom or remotely). Tutoring is definitely different from formal education. It is made in a lighter, flexible form. Tutors are highly responsible. After all, the tutor’s worldview works regularly with the student who is now being formed. The main task of such a specialist is to help another person make studying an effective and interesting process. The tutor will need to work both with the whole group and individually. It is the task of the tutor to influence students on the issues of which areas of science to emphasize, choosing a future profession, if necessary, aiming for another specialty, establishing a balance between studying and everyday life, and managing time. A good tutor is a mentor to the student and a skilled consultant. He brings out the student’s strengths and reserve abilities and teaches him to work on his shortcomings. Sardar Usmanov, the head of the Information Service of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education