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“Shaddod qizlar” team won the ticket to the final.

A semi-final match of “QVZ” games was held among students at the Palace of Culture of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. Two teams took part in the game – “Adrenaline” of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature and “Shaddod qizlar” of the Preschool Education Faculty. The initial “Introduction” condition was initiated by the “Adrenaline” team. Life jokes were a special achievement of the team, which was the absolute winner of the last season in friendly humor games. The “Shaddod qizlar” team, known for their unique jokes, brought to the attention of the audience the events that happen among young people in a funny way. Teams competed against each other on the terms of “musical homework” and “questions and answers” to win. With colorful performances, originality and easy-to-digest jokes, the “Shaddod qizlar” team of the Faculty of Preschool Education became the center of attention. At the end of all conditions, the “Shaddad qizlar” team of funny girls won the ticket to the finals with 42 points.