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Openness and transparency: appeals and applications are being studied by the Appeals Commission.

Today is the 6th day of professional (creative) exams at JSPU. It should be noted that until today, all conditions have been created for the fair and transparent conduct of professional (creative) exams at the university. Parents have the opportunity to monitor the professional (creative) exams submitted by applicants in special waiting rooms and at their homes online. The results of the professional (creative) exam are being announced on the same day through the official pages of the university. Applicants who are dissatisfied with the conclusion of the examination commission have the opportunity to apply to the appeal commission of the university within 24 hours from the announcement of the exam results. Until today, the number of applications received by the appeal commission was 10, and they were considered by the members of the appeal commission in the appropriate order. Today, the appeal of 1 applicant who was dissatisfied with his scores in the field of sports (wrestling) was reviewed with the help of experts.

– 1 of the applicants who applied for sports (wrestling) filed an application complaining about the results of creative exams. The applicant’s creative works were objectively studied by experts based on the requirements of the regulations with his participation. Based on the appeal, the experts examined the records and video surveillance cameras. It was explained that the Chil method gives 2 points to the right side and the left side, 1 point to the right side and the left side in the Spurma method, and the experts add 3 points to the applicant in total. The applicant stated that he did not object to the points given, – says Diyor Tursunov, the chairman of the appeal commission.