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Developer festival “DevFest 2022 Jizzakh” was held in Jizzakh.

DevFest – the first technology festival in Jizzakh, was held in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications Development, IT Park, Google Developer Groups and Sambhram University. During the conference, 7 programmer speakers working in foreign IT enterprises (Codemotion Ninja, iTransition Group, Toptal, iTechArt) shared their experiences and gave practical master classes in the areas of WEB, Mobile, Design. Participants who completed practical tasks during the process were awarded by the organizers. A total of 18 talented students from the faculties of Pedagogy and Psychology, Natural Sciences, Foreign Languages, Uzbek Language and Literature, and Preschool Education of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University participated in the conference. To summarize, during this event, students received the necessary knowledge from the most qualified programmers in our country.