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International Online Seminar of “ El- yurt umidi” foundation Alumni on the topic of “ New Generation of English Teachers in Uzbekistan ”

As the English language has become a universal language in Uzbekistan as well as throughout the world the educational system of Uzbekistan got the responsibility of enhancing the system of teaching English as a foreign language in secondary and higher education system. The Presidential decree №1875-“On measures of improvement of learning foreign languages” makes contribution to a noteworthy development of teaching ESL and EFL in the educational establishments of Uzbekistan.(Presidential decree №1875,December 12, 2012). In order to ensure the implementation of this decree Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institutewould like to organize an international online seminar on November 20, 2020 at 14:30  on the topic: A new Generation of English Teachers in Uzbekistan. As we know Uzbekistan created on September 25, 2018  El-Yurt Umidi Foundation under the Cabinet of Minister of Uzbekistan, which will direct its efforts to train specialists abroad and Dialogue with Compatriots under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2019 forty two academics from higher educationsbecame the holders of a scholarship of the educational program “Internship,” the foundation “El-yurt umidi.”  From July 30, 2019, to  August 30, 2019, they  held an internship program atNorwich Institute of  Language Teaching ( NILE), UK. As  alumni  of this foundation we  would like to contribute on our republic education system. And this planned online seminar  will be a prelude to achieving the above goals.   The aim of this seminar:
  • Widely promote the use of new innovative pedagogical technologies used in the study and teaching of English and contribute to the development of the English language teaching system
  • Factors for the application of new innovative pedagogical technologies in the study and teaching of English and issues of future cooperation, experiences.
  • Cascading gained experience
      Expected outcomes:
  • Implementation of laws and decrees in the system of teaching and learning a foreign language, as well as overcoming problems in the methodology of teaching English
  • Making a contribution of the development of  English teachers’knowledge and skills
  The partners of this seminar: The  British Council Uzbekistan,   “ EL-YURT UMIDI”  foundation, The Ministry of Higher  Education and Norwich Institute for  Language Education .     The platformof  this online seminar  is ZOOM Estimated day – 1 day Estimated hour –2 hours