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Spring has come by asking you….

This is the name of the theatrical event organized by the Faculty of Music and Culture of JSPU. On the first day of spring, the birthday of Zulfiyakhanim, a well-known public figure, a singer of loyalty and loyalty, the national poetess of Uzbekistan, is widely celebrated. On the occasion of this auspicious day, the event held at the Palace of Culture of the university was opened by the dean of the faculty H. Omonov.

Talented students of the faculty performed stage shows and charming dances at the event. Poems written by the poetess were read. The student ensemble named after E. Lutfullaev sang makoms.

        The creativity of Zulfiyakhanim, who glorified the feelings of spring and beauty, elegance and majesty, loyalty in her poems, literally occupies a unique place in the Uzbek literary environment today. The rich literary heritage of the poetess and the noble thoughts reflected in it were widely discussed at the event.