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We are responsible for protecting the ecology of New Uzbekistan!

A non-traditional demo-lesson was held on the topic of ecological protection of lands that serve such a noble purpose. Based on the initiative of the “Lawyer” club under the Department of Philosophy Education and Legal Education of the History Faculty and in cooperation with the Regional Council of UzLiDeP, Jizzakh Regional Ecology and Nature Protection, the Regional Estates, Farmers and Farms Association, the Regional Cadastre Agency, the Monocenter for the Employment of Unemployed Population under the Regional business General Directorate. In the demo-class, discussion was aimed at increasing the ecological culture of students and members of the club. Opinions on ecological protection of land, transfer of land to real owners and reliable protection of rights to land, global climate changes, environmental crises and the Aral Sea were expressed about the emerging problems, the priority tasks for the implementation of measures for the implementation of the green space project. K. Yusupov, a teacher of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, head of the club, led the demo-lesson to the head of our state, Sh. Mirziyoev’s “The products we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the climate that gives life to the planet we live in – all because of nature. In addition, “now nature itself is giving us a sign – in order to take care of ourselves, we must first take care of nature” he separately emphasized that climate change, alarming changes in flora and fauna are turning the environmental problem into one of the factors that seriously threaten the security of developing countries. In particular, over the last five years, 32 million hectares of forest area was reduced as a result of the human factor, as well as due to the Aral tragedy, the Orolkum desert has disappeared on an area of more than 5.5 million hectares. 100 million tons of sand and salt are released into the air every year. This proves once again that the Aral movement is a global problem. In his speech, L. Nakhalov, the responsible officer of the Jizzakh Regional Cadastre Agency, spoke about the reforms aimed at regulating the land sector in our country, the laws and regulatory documents adopted by the government, and serious changes have been made to the land allocation procedure in our country from now on. He informed that local governors are no longer authorized to give land to individuals and legal entities, that poor land is given through the Ye auction platform, as well as the privileges and preferences related to land ownership. Head of Department of Jizzakh Regional Department of Ecology and Nature Protection Sh. Burkhanov gave information about the work carried out in the land use control system and issues of its condition, as well as the issues of the moratorium on trees and the issuing of ecological conclusions in relation to ecological objects. Head of the Jizzakh Regional Union of Peasants, Farmers and Homesteads, Q. Orazaliev, on the duties assigned to the Union of Peasants, Farmers and Homesteads of Uzbekistan in transferring land to its real owners gave a lecture. During the demo-lesson, the questions were asked by several students on problematic issues ensured the spirit of the demo-lesson. After the demo-class, students and members of the club were introduced to the activities of the Monocenter for providing employment to the unemployed part of the population in our region, the conditions established there, and the work related to the migration service.