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A press conference dedicated to the admission process was held.

A press conference was held at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University on the topic “Admission Processes: Admission Processes and Entrance Exams to Bachelor of Higher Education Institutions: Openness, Transparency”.” The conference highlighted a number of changes in the system of admission to higher education institutions and placement of state orders by decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated May 24, 2024, In particular, it was emphasized that the principle of “testing first, then selection”, the practice of distributing state order parameters according to the section of state universities, would be abolished upon admission, it was also noted that for students who studied on the basis of educational grants, the obligation to work for at least 3 years after graduation is abolished, a fair selection of applicants is ensured, in a word, The most talented and knowledgeable students are accepted. According to the decree, the first stage of registration for undergraduate admission for the academic year 2024/2025 began on June 5, 2024 and will continue until June 25. In this case, applicants are required to: select the subjects, the language of education, the region of test taking only for the areas where tests are held; in addition to the above, an opportunity to choose a bachelor’s course of study and a university where the creative exam will be held has been created for the areas where the creative exam will be held. Creative exams and tests will be held after the first stage of registration. After completing the tests, that is, completion in all regions, at the second stage of registration within 15 days, applicants, based on the test results, can choose up to 5 universities (directions), the form of study, the priority of selection, up to 5 universities in the chosen direction in the areas where the creative exam was conducted. At the press conference, detailed information was also given about the newly opened destinations, the conditions created for applicants and their parents, benefits and who can use them. The participants of the conference mainly asked questions related to the lowering of the foreign language certificate to B1 level in some areas of master’s and doctoral studies, the cancellation of the certificate requirement for students who completed the educational program in a foreign language, and the cancellation of the obligation to work for 3 years. In addition, they expressed their opinions on strengthening cooperation with the university, organizing press conferences on current topics. During the conference, the rector of JSPU Sh.Sharipov, executive secretary of the admissions committee S.Nazarkasimov and head of the Jizzakh regional branch of the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills I.Khatamov, along with providing information on the admission procedure and the decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated May 24, 2024 “On improving the admission system to higher educational institutions and placing government orders”, also provided answers to questions of interest to participants The press conference ended with a press tour to the “Call-center” organized in the University Registrar’s office. Media representatives got acquainted with the conditions created here. They monitored the activity of the operators in the counseling center. Here they got answers to all their questions about the topic.