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Mavzu: Letter writing steps, formats, and structures

Fan:  Chet tilida yozuv ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish

Fakultet: Xorijiy tillar

Bosqich: 3

Guruh: 741 -22

Manzil: Xorijiy tillar fakulteti, 403-xona

Kun: 03.10. 2024.

Vaqti: 10:00

Dotsent (PhD): Ganiyeva Gulnoza Zaxirovna

O`quv dasturi:

This comprehensive lesson will guide students through the key steps, formats, and structural elements of effective letter writing


I.Revision – Revision. O’tilgan mavzuni takrorlash

II.Asosiy qism. Discuss key steps, formats, and structural elements of effective letter writing.

III. Conclusion. Giving feedback and assessing