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English language courses have been opened for applicants who want to learn a foreign language at Gallaorol service technical school.

As you know, since May of this year, special courses on teaching foreign languages are gradually being organized in professional educational institutions.

In particular, by selecting applicants who want to learn a foreign language, English language training was started at the Gallaorol service and service technical school under the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after A. Qadiri. At the moment, those who want to learn about 20 foreign languages are participating in these courses with the help of qualified pedagogues of the university.

– Today, thanks to the development of computer translators, various programs and voice recognition technologies, the opportunity to learn foreign languages is expanding even more. A number of language centers are operating in every corner of our country. In particular, centers dedicated to learning foreign languages at higher educational institutions are also ready to serve young people. This expands the opportunities of our young people to study foreign languages thoroughly and acquire international experiences related to their field. Students in our group have a high passion for the English language, and their dreams are even higher…they don’t want to be limited only to learning English. After getting a special certificate, they intend to learn German, says Avaz Mirzaev, the head of the group.

Today, there is a large number of young people who are learning several foreign languages, studying international experiences in various fields, putting them into practice, and achieving a number of achievements. Their greatest achievement is their thorough knowledge of foreign languages. Because as we learn each language, we gain new knowledge and our opportunities expand. It is not surprising that among the students attending foreign language courses at the Gallaorol technical school of service and service, there are young people who speak such foreign languages.