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A training seminar on the topic “Improving the quality of teaching foreign languages and guiding students to the profession” was held on the ground.

In the President’s address to the Oliy Majlis and the people of Uzbekistan, it was emphasized that education, which is the biggest investment for New Uzbekistan, should be supported. It is clear from this that increasing the quality of education in schools and the prestige of the teaching profession in the society, improving the conditions of teachers will be one of the main tasks in 2023. The knowledge of at least two foreign languages of young people was put at the level of the national appeal. It was clearly emphasized that in addition to the fact that our children should master their mother tongue and foreign languages and learn how to work on a computer, we should also strengthen their interest in professions, art and culture. On January 20, with the participation of the head of state, the issues of improving the quality of teaching foreign languages and guiding students to the profession were discussed at an extended meeting dedicated to the development of the system of foreign languages and vocational training in schools. Today, knowledge of foreign languages is of urgent importance for the youth of our developing country. So, what are the shortcomings in the education system, especially in terms of knowledge of foreign languages and vocational training? To what extent are foreign languages taught in schools from 1st to 11th grade, does it meet the requirements? Why does a child who studied at school for 11 years not know a foreign language perfectly? What should be paid attention to in order to eliminate these problems and guide a school student to a profession? The educational seminar organized in cooperation with Jizzakh regional public education department and Jizzakh State Pedagogical University was devoted to this urgent topic. The training seminar was held with the participation of school principals of Zomin, Zarbdar, and Yangiabad districts, heads of the district public education department, and professors of the university and began with familiarization with the activity of the center.   “At this meeting, the head of our state expressed critical opinions on solving the existing problems in the field, regretting that due to the lack of conditions and specialists, the environment for attracting young people to professions has not been formed, and that 50 percent of school graduates enter the labor market without having any profession. These indicators are certainly worrying. Therefore, the task of organizing vocational workshops in schools, equipping them and providing them with necessary materials was set. The activities of the Monocenter, which is organized under schools, are significant in that they educate and direct young students to professions, foreign language courses, and digital technologies. What should you pay attention to in order to develop it? Admittedly, in the past, vocational colleges were criticized for only awarding diplomas. There is no spark of truth in this sarcastic phrase. In fact, knowledge, practical skills, the ability to accept any innovation and adaptability should be formed in such educational institutions. Unfortunately, the process did not go beyond the classroom. Young people are limited to only theoretical knowledge… Vocational training of students in schools is a completely different matter, taking part in the direct process of their field, and creating skills. We tried to find answers to these questions in today’s educational seminar. Suggestions were heard. Questions were answered. I think that the noble intention of the leader of my country will be realized with our actions”, says the rector of the university Sh. Sharipov It should be noted that starting from the 2023-2024 academic year, teaching of a second foreign language will be started in one school in each district (city). Planned pilot schools for training schoolchildren in modern professions will be implemented in 10 schools in Dostlik Zomin districts and the city of Jizzakh. Speakers at the training seminar expressed their opinions about the current problems in modern vocational training of young people and their solutions.                                                                                                                                                            Press center of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University