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Every article of the updating Constitution serves for human dignity.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the International Press Club, a propaganda event was held at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University under the slogan “The Constitution is mine, yours, ours! The Constitution is ours.” The solemn event began with the ceremony of awarding the winners of the contest “Are you ready for the referendum?” and the essay contest “Constitution-in my future”. “Are you ready for the referendum?” competition conducted in 3 stages. It should be noted that more than 7,000 young students took part in this competition. Also, in order to increase their knowledge about constitutional reforms, an essay competition on the topic “Constitution-in my future” was held among university professors, doctoral students, masters and employees. The winners of both competitions were awarded at today’s ceremony. Laptops, smartphones and tablets were awarded to students who won the highest positions according to the terms of the competition. The teachers who won the essay contest were awarded diplomas and cash prizes.   Today, many opportunities are being created for young people to get quality education and become mature staff. The weight of their achievements is increasing day by day. These achievements, rights and freedoms and opportunities are being strengthened in the newly revised Constitution so that not only the present but also the future generations can use them. Deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, members of the Senate, public activists, honorary teachers and students, who spoke at the event, said that the support of youth in all aspects has been raised to the level of state policy, among many areas and directions in the renewed Constitution. They emphasized that special priority was given to the issue of youth. The event ended with artistic performances and a gala concert with the participation of talented students of the university.