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“Towards new goals in new Uzbekistan!” a spiritual and educational event was held.

The team of the Faculty of Primary Education of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after A. Qadiri held a spiritual and educational event based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-92 “On measures to fundamentally improve the system of working with youth in neighborhoods” dated January 19, 2022 and the university In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks specified in the schedule of the plan, approved by the rector on October 17, 2022, “Regarding the meaningful organization of free time of youth in the neighborhoods attached to the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University on the fundamental improvement of the system of working with youth in the neighborhoods” in the “Chamanzor” neighborhood of the Zomin district “In New Uzbekistan – Towards New Goals!” with the participation of neighborhood youth. At the event, professors and teachers of the faculty spoke about the reforms implemented in our country and the opportunities given to young people. At the event, students also presented stage performances that reflect today’s problems and painful situations.