A literary-philosophical event on the topic of “Shame-Cultural Code” was held on the basis of the 5th volume of the works of the People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Abdulla Qahhor – “Articles and Conversations” Under the leadership of the professor of the Department of Philosophy, Education and Legal Education, Doctor of Philosophy B. Ochilova, the 1st-year students of the Faculty of Primary Education of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University to rais the spirituality of young people to widely promote reading among them.
At the literary-philosophical event, to reveal the meaning of shame, that shyness is one of the moral qualities that determine the humanity of a person, and shame as a moral phenomenon that controls human behavior, advisors (consultants on the subject) candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Yu. Karimova, candidate of philological sciences , associate professor Sh.Siddikova, facilitator (guides the results of group activities to be effective, to find a scientific solution to the problem, enlivens group communication) doctor of philosophy (PhD) in political sciences A.Toraev, informed by the content of the topic Senior teacher Yo. Turopov (opponent) participated in the event, commenting on the scientificity of the ideas, the appropriateness and logic of the questions and answers given by the students during the event.

The event was organized on the basis of a new pedagogical technology within the framework of the subject of Philosophy (Ethics). At the event, students and professors invited to the event exchanged ideas on the topic on the basis of interactivity. At the end of the event, the students who showed activity and asked the best questions were encouraged by the event organizers.