The main idea of the event that organized by “Philosophy, education and legal education” department of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, the depatrment of supporting makhalla and family of Jizzakh region and the department of preschool education of Jizzakh region was devoted to the goals and tasks provided for in the development strategy, as well as the implementation of legislation and a number of such topical issues.
At the event, the officials informed the participants about the nature of tasks that include the 100 goals included in the Development Strategy, the reforms being implemented to ensure gender equality and the actual implementation of the law, the activities of the Ombudsman protecting children’s rights, as well as education and participants were given explanations and information about the importance of normative documents adopted in the field of education in the field of education of young children.

During the event, legal documents related to the field were analyzed, many proposals and recommendations were made by the participants of the event aimed at preventing and eliminating the arising problems, which ensured a successful meeting. At the end of the event, souvenirs were handed over to the employees of a number of active preschool educational institutions. After all, the education of the young generation is of much importance today.