A seminar for faculty deans, department heads and professors was organized at the Palace of Culture of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University in order to ensure the implementation of Order No. 457 of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 6, 2024 “On meaningful spending of the winter vacation period of students and teachers of all higher, secondary specialized and vocational educational organizations and organizing seminars for professors and teachers.”
The seminar discussed the ECTS credit-module system: basic concepts and rules. The content and implementation of Order No. 412 “On approval of the regulations on the use of information systems introduced in higher education institutions”, the procedure for recording student attendance and classes taken by professors and teachers in the HEMIS information system, the system for posting subject content in the system, submitting subject assignments and evaluating them, the procedure for calculating the number of classroom hours in the HEMIS information system, and the number of non-classroom hours on the university’s internal management portal main.jdpu.uz.
This seminar will help faculty deans, department heads, and professors improve their professional skills, as well as master important skills in using information systems implemented in higher education institutions.