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How is the admission process going?

A press conference was held at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University on admission processes for the 2023/2024 academic year. It was attended by secretaries of admission commissions of 4 higher educational institutions in Jizzakh region, heads of departments of the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovations, representatives of mass media.   At the conference, the officials discussed the activities of the admissions commission established by the officials in order to conduct admissions for the 2023/2024 academic year at a high level, the parameters of the state order for admission to public higher education institutions, the state grant in the form of full-time undergraduate education in the new academic year. The number of seats has increased compared to last year, the conditions created for applicants, benefits and who can use them, the state of preparation in the buildings where state tests are held, and the newly opened directions in higher education institutions were given full information. At the end of the conference, detailed answers were given to the questions asked by the mass media.