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The founder of Uzbek novelistics A. Kadiri is 129 years old

Abdulla Qadiri, the famous writer and the rightful pride of our literature, turned 129 years old. In this regard, an event was held at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University on the topic of “Abdullah Qadiri-spirituality”. Speakers at the event organized on the occasion of the writer’s birthday gave interesting information about the life and work of the great writer, who sacrificed his young life for the development and freedom of the Motherland and could not achieve it, as well as the literary heritage. It should be noted that today the books of the writer, which were published in few copies in his time, are published in tens or hundreds of thousands of copies. In his critical and journalistic articles and comics, the writer seems to expose the shortcomings of people’s reception of news. The fact that typical heroes such as Tashpolat Tajang and Kalvak Makhzum cannot keep up with the new society is laughed at, and the criticisms of the Soviet regime’s news from their language are also ridiculous, so it seems that they should be rejected, but the writer thinks that this should be rejected. He expresses his thoughts in the language of a negative character and infuses them with his ideas and the pain and suffering of the people. Abdulla Qadiri’s contribution to Uzbek literature was highlighted at the event. Performances based on his works were staged. His poems were read expressively. The event was held in a very high spirit. All the spectators who came to the event enjoyed the rich merio of the writer as well as spiritual pleasure.