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Express your dreams and intentions in actions, says JSPU rector Sh. Sharipov

Under the chairmanship of the head of state, 44 young students were assigned to the rector of the university based on the task given at the meeting of video selectors regarding measures to increase the effectiveness of work in the field of youth policy and to further improve the system of working with them. Among the students is Kamronbek Ochilov, a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Physics and Technological Education of Bakhmal. Komronbek’s dreams are very big, he intends to study a master’s degree abroad. Caught up in family affairs, Kamronbek could not come to classes on time. Zafar, a student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Oliyogoh, warned the young man, who is a master of his work, studying computer science, that his parents are abroad. Every student’s pain was heard at the organized meeting. The conversation took place in a friendly manner without excessive formality. As much as possible, we tried to find a positive solution to each student’s appeal.

– Our goal is to encourage students and support them. For example, who is benefiting from us turning a blind eye to the fact that a student who cannot afford to pay the contract fee or work in a seasonal job, even if he misses classes or becomes a laborer- what is yu losing? Shouldn’t it be better if you talk to him, if necessary, invite his parents for a conversation, and listen to his pain? After all, others should not repeat his mistake? I try to tell students in all the interview processes that this dialogue is organized not to punish them, but to support them. This is our intention, – says university rector Sh. Sharipov.

During the conversation, each student shared his dreams. They say that actions depend on intentions. At the end of the interview, the rector of the university emphasized the need to work tirelessly to prove high goals to all students.