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A spiritual and educational event was held on the theme “Be the singer of the tuneless nation”.

Todaya spiritual-educational event was held on the theme “Be the singer of the tuneless nation” in connection with the 582nd anniversary of the birth of Hazrat Alisher Navoi, a great representative of our classic literature, literary theory and great poet of our poetry, by the professors of the Distance Education Department in Pre-school and primary directions at the External Department of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. At the event, associate professor of the department Kabil Kubayev gave a lecture about Alisher Navoi’s work, his contribution to literary studies, and his importance today. The students of the Uzbek language and literature department performed the dialogue “Navoi and Guli”, analysis of ghazals, and classical music works based on Navoi’s ghazals were performed by the students of the music education department.