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From reading to research

A master class on “From reading to research” dedicated to the implementation of five important initiatives for raising the spirituality of young people and meaningfully organizing their free time was organized by “Izlanish” club of JSPU with the cooperation of the masters of Uzbek literature. This master class, which took place in the university information resource center, was opened by the head of the club D. Salimova and the deputy dean of the master’s department S. Qabilov with an introduction. Club members talked with Sh. Mavlanova on the topic “Interpretation of children’s thinking and mentality in art” and F. Aliyeva  on the topic “Character creation skills of writers Omina Shenklioglu and Salomat Vafo” within the framework of literary analysis. Various theoretical questions on the issue of literary relations, given by the talented students of the “Izlanish” club, turned into debates. In order to cover this master class in the press, the video clips and interviews given by the club members were presented to the Jizzakh TV program for a page. At the end of the master class, IRC of JSPU employee M. Bobonazarova said that the book reading and art analysis activities organized by the “Izlanish” club should be held with the majority of students who read books and shared a number of proposals for the development of library cooperation with the club. Ismail Haydarov, Member of “Izlanish” club, 4th year student of the faculty of Uzbek language and literature.