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Officials are meeting with the youth of Jizzakh and are interested in their opinions.

Professors and teachers of higher educational institutions, students, masters and applicants took part in the traveling reception held at Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. At the mobile reception, the problems related to the meaningful spending of free time of young people, education, learning a profession, news related to the admission processes of higher educational institutions were discussed. Information was provided on innovative ideas and start-up projects, types of grants. At the event, the youth addressed directly about issues of interest to them, ideas for start-up projects, and future plans, and received answers to their questions. – I am studying at the master’s department of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, – says Shahlo Hoshimova, one of the young people. – I am engaged in intensive fishing. According to my project, I can provide employment to students, especially 10 women. They tell me that “you need to open an LLC in order to implement your plan.” Since I am a student, I cannot earn enough money to open an LLC. I ask you to give me practical help in solving this problem.   – I am Umid Kadyrov, a student of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. I am interested in art. I am a member of the “Izlanish” club established at the university. My poems have been translated into 9 languages. I am asking for your practical help in publishing my recently published book in many copies. I want these books to be in school libraries and young students to enjoy them. More than 100 of the proposals and problems raised in this event, which was attended by more than 100 young people, similar to Shahlo and Umidjon, who made interesting proposals to each other, presented projects of various contents, most importantly, that bring income, are here, 10 since it takes time, specific assignments were given to the heads of the official organization for study and practical solution. During the event, suggestions made by the participants were heard, questions were answered. Good wishes were expressed to the applicants who are on the threshold of a new life.