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A roundtable discussion was organized at the faculty of preschool education.

At the event held at the department of foreign languages in pre-school and primary education of the faculty A. Umrzakov, the head of the university’s anti-corruption compliance control system management department gave insights on the procedure for reporting corruption and its vices, corruption and other types of offenses related to the industry about the content of a number of documents and about the need to conduct explanatory work for leaders-employees, professors-teachers and students. In this place, the dean of the faculty, U. Jumanazarov, instructed my professors and teachers in the processes related to the mid-term and final control exams held for the 2022-2023 academic year and 4+2 qualification practice. in addition to giving warnings about not allowing cases of fraud and fraud, he noted that the above cases stain the prestige and honor of the university and are a crime. At the end of the event, instructions were given on how to improve the quality of education and how to pay attention to teaching processes based on international experiences, and how to implement them taking into account the processes specified in the regulations.