There is wisdom from the old people. Honoring the dead is like giving a gift to the living. There are people whose longing after their death is not only not forgotten over time, but deepens more and more. One of such teachers is the first rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Professor B. Orinbayev.Jizzakh State Pedagogical University is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The children and students of the first rector of the university, Professor B. Orinboyev, were invited to the “Barhayat siymo” spiritual and educational event organized in this regard. The guests were first received by the rector of the university. During the meeting held in the style of a sincere conversation, the rector of the university spoke about the good qualities and dedication of teacher B. Orinboyev, who was one of the first to lead the university. After that, the guests respectfully looked at the panels and records dedicated to the life of the university.

The memory of the great teacher
The spiritual and educational event “Barhayot siymo” organized in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University continued in the Palace of Culture. B. Orinboyev’s comrades, family members, fellow villagers, close friends and students and students took part in the event. The event was opened by the rector of the university Sh. Sharipov. In his speech, he noted that the contribution of the scientist to the development of higher education and the development of the science of linguistics is huge. After that, the children, colleagues and students of the late professor B. Orinboyev spoke in memory of the teacher. They spoke about the services and memorable memories of many teachers who participated in the establishment of this university.

The work of B. Orinbayev, who studied science from the moment he became aware of his mind to the last day, until his last breath, was not wasted, he left behind hundreds of students and good deeds. At the event, the scientist’s family members and students were presented with souvenirs organized in connection with the 50th anniversary of the university and the 5-volume book “Towards the University”.