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In JSPU, a spiritual and educational event dedicated to the 687th anniversary of Amir Temur was organized on the theme “The genius of Amir Temur – the symbol of justice”.

Amir Temur – a great general who was able to leave a great name in world history, the most famous legendary commander of the Middle Ages, the founder of a huge empire, the head of the Timurid dynasty, a strong politician, who was never defeated by an opponent even once during his life. Professors and teachers of the university, young students and military personnel took part in the event organized in connection with the 687th anniversary of the birth of the invincible leader Amir Temur.

Amir Temur is one of the great figures who have been giving spiritual strength to our people in the glorious work of realizing our identity, restoring our national traditions and values. The events of Sohibgiron’s birthday and the 687th anniversary of the warlord’s birth are widely celebrated throughout our country.

On this occasion, interesting information was given about his recognized and noble qualities, the history of national statehood, great heritage of the Timurids in science, culture, creativity and other fields, Amir Temur’s incomparable contribution to the world development, bravery, courage, justice, loyalty and patriotism of the general were discussed at the event organized in this regard. The artistic part of the event was opened by the orchestra of the Jizzakh military garrison, followed by performances performed by students.

The participants were greatly impressed by the comments from the “Tuzuklari Temur” and other historical sources. Everyone liked the songs sung by the students and the presentation of the sources about the life of Amir Temur in Uzbek, Russian, languages. It is worth noting that the wide celebration of such events increases the knowledge of our history and respect for the figure of our great grandfather.