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A seminar was held at JSPU within the framework of the project “Plogging: promotion of modern ecological culture among young people and promotion of a healthy lifestyle”.

Students who are not indifferent to nature and ecology were involved in this seminar, which was carried out in cooperation with the “Ekolog” public association and the Faculty of Natural Sciences. March 30 – the seminar organized in connection with the International Day without waste was opened by the representative of the public association “Ekolog”, Nodira Alimova. After that, young eco-trainers presented their presentations aimed at raising environmental and medical culture in society and promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people by organizing plogging in every region of Uzbekistan, especially in the city of Jizzakh. During the seminar-training, young eco-trainers provided detailed information and information about environmentally harmful waste and its types, decomposition periods, and tasks that need to be performed to improve the environmental situation. They also gained knowledge and skills on what plogging is and its history, plogging in different countries around the world, and their importance for the environment and health.

In the afternoon, a practical activity, i.e. plogging, was held. The territory of “Navro’zbulak” in the city of Jizzakh was collected by eco-volunteers.

At the end of plogging, students who collected the most waste were encouraged by the community association.