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A meeting on conflict of interest regulation was held at JSPU with the participation of members of the Ethics and Morals Commission.

During the meeting, based on the “Information on the analysis of annual declarations filled out by professors, teachers and employees of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University on the presence/absence of a conflict of interest” presented by the Department of Management of the “Compliance-Control” System for Combating Corruption, a total of 600 professors, teachers and 260 employees working in the main staff unit submitted annual declarations on the presence/absence of a conflict of interest.

Clarifications were carried out on the errors and shortcomings in the annual declarations of 25 professors and employees. These errors and shortcomings were eliminated. It was also discussed that in 81 cases, close relatives of professors and employees of the University worked in deaneries, departments and chairs of various faculties, and in 3 cases, a close relative worked directly under their direct supervision. Discussions and questions and answers were held on the requirements of Appendix 3 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 758 dated 11.2024 “On approval of regulatory legal acts on the implementation of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” – “List of employees of state organizations for whom exceptions to the rules on limiting joint work of relatives may be allowed” and “Regulations on the procedure for hiring teaching staff in higher educational institutions on a competitive basis.”