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Preparation processes for professional (creative) exams were studied at JSPU.

Exciting times for applicants are about to begin. Professional (creative) exams for applicants registered for admission to Jizzakh State Pedagogical University will begin tomorrow, July 25. It should be noted that in order to conduct the exams fairly and impartially, a group of experts, by order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, is getting acquainted with the preparation processes for the creative exams held in higher education institutions. In addition to the fact that experts inspect the place and rooms where creative exams are held, the conditions created for applicants’ parents and observers, they conduct exams in the territory of the institution in accordance with sanitary and hygienic rules, video broadcast the processes, the duty officer of each area they gave appropriate recommendations on providing a medical aid vehicle, providing prompt information about the process, and inviting mass media and public representatives to the examination process. Today, every higher education institution faces an important issue, namely the fair and transparent conduct of professional (creative) exams. In these exciting moments, we wish good luck to the young people who want to be called students with a world of dreams in their hearts.