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The “National Values Festival” held at JSPU has turned into a celebration of youth.

University students and teachers took part in the organized celebration.

Sarvar Nazarkasimov, the first vice-rector for spiritual and educational affairs of youth affairs, emphasized that the national values, which are the basis of our spirituality, are the great heritage of our people. It was noted that it is an important task to preserve our identity and values when threats to the education and thinking of our youth are increasing in the era of globalization.

The entrance to the university has become more refreshing with exhibitions showing the values of our people. The participants were greatly impressed by the demonstration of national costumes, sports games, contest of folk games, and scenes depicting customs and traditions. Forgotten alla and lapar songs were performed, and the show “Welcome to the bride” received applause.

The winners of the contests organized within the festival were awarded by the organizers.