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Rector of JSPU met with students of Sayiljoy Academic Lyceum.

A meeting of “Rector and youth” was held in the small meeting hall of JSPU.

At the event, JSPU rector Sh. Sharipov congratulated the lyceum students on their achievements.

Amirkulov Rahmatilla, a 2nd-year student of Sayiljoy academic lyceum, won the second place in the 4th republic stage of the basic science Olympiad. At this place, the student and his teacher Abduvahidov Bozormurad were presented with letters of thanks and valuable souvenirs.

At the event, the students of the Lyceum’s Olympiad School, who won gold, silver and bronze medals in mathematics at the international Olympiads, were also specially recognized and awarded with gifts and certificates of honor.


At the meeting, certificates were awarded to the recipients of the “Rector’s Scholarship” and “Pride of Academic Lyceum” scholarships.

The rector of the university wished the lyceum team and students success in their future studies and work and wished them not to get tired of learning.

Lyceum teachers, students and their parents also took part in the event.