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Let’s oppose ignorance with enlightenment…

This is the name of the event held at the JSPU. We are living in a moment of renewal, freedom of thought and free creativity, and we have more opportunities than ever to realize our abilities and talents.Unfortunately, not everyone accepts such freedom correctly and mobilizes their activities for good deeds. Naturally, in this process, the disaster of the ego, which is the eternal enemy of humanity, becomes a bigger obstacle to the path of humanity than ever before. In such a complex situation, as noted by the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the rich spiritual heritage that has reached us from our ancestors  serves as a unique protective shield. No progress can be achieved without knowledge, and ignorance will never make a person happy. Those gathered for the event put forward this idea. We are living in a period when many atrocities are being committed on a global scale. It is clear that all the evil, bloodsheda and corruption in the world is the abominable work of those who are captive to their lust. The victims of this abomination were also mentioned in the video released for the students at the beginning of the interview. There is no doubt that the scenes shown in the film deeply influenced the hearts of every viewer. At the event, it was also emphasized that it is necessary not to fall into the trap of such people who use religion as a mask and  deception. It is also pointed out that the youth shoub be vigilant and love science in order not to waste precious time equal. In order to prevent any disease, first of all, it is necessary to create an immune system that fights against it in the human body. The event, which took place with the participation of students of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, was aimed at forming the feeeling of love for our motherland, loyalty to our history and religion among young people like our ancestors. The other puposes of the event were strengthening ideological and spiritual immunity in the minds and hearts. The representatives of the local government, religious authorities and law enforcement agencies who spoke at the meeting said that in order to educate a perfect person and a healthy generation, there should be no ideological gap. In order to prevent the acquisition of ideas, they explained in a reasonable way that only reading and learning is permissible.