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I. Abdurahmanov: Our main goal is to create comfortable conditions for students.

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Ibrahim Abdurahmanov visited the Jizzakh region and got acquainted with the construction works being carried out in higher educational institutions, especially the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. The minister familiarized himself with the work being carried out in the 600-bed student accommodation at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. It should be noted that he studied in detail the works being carried out at the construction sites of both universities from a critical point of view. During the study, the minister gave his recommendations on the environmental condition of the building’s surroundings, landscaping, and creating comfortable and attractive conditions for students. At the moment, works are being carried out to restore the walls of the 2 floors in this object, which is being built by the limited liability company “IKRA BOND”. The minister gave his suggestions and recommendations regarding the compliance and quality of construction standards.