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Representatives of Indian universities at JSPU

Indian scientists recently started training sessions for specialists. Trainings last 10 days. Indian partners who visited JSPU on March 25 started a 10-day training session for specialists based on the memorandum of cooperation signed in the field of Steam and Robotics development at the university. “At first, more than 40 prospective teachers expressed their desire to participate in the project organized by our Indian partners. Out of these 40 candidates, 6 people won the right to participate in training in the field of Steam. Indian scientists interviewed applicants who expressed their desire to participate in the training. During the training, we are learning about the latest software, software used in robotics, the latest versions of Logo software, 3D modeling software, and various platforms. After 10 days of training, we intend to apply what we have learned to students and teachers through seminars and trainings, “says Azam Bekbotayev, a teacher of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Classes are conducted in an interesting way. Theoretical and practical lessons are held by Indian experts, which further strengthens their knowledge. “The lessons are very interesting, today my partner and I made a robot car that moves with two motors. At the same time, we have created its program. We are currently in the process of uploading the program. The robot moves based on the program we created. I teach students in the field of technological education. We can introduce the program created by us as a novelty for grades 5-9 of general secondary schools,” says Mirjalal Yoldoshev, a teacher of the Department of Technological Education. The training sessions, which started on March 26, will continue until April 5. Another group of Indian scholars continues to work on teaching foreign languages.